Video Engagement Analytics

Using Video to Understand and Increase  Employee Engagement 

As a business trying to survive during a pandemic, chances are you’re relying on video more than ever! And that’s great, because it turns out that using video to communicate with your workforce is a surefire way to improve employee engagement. But just sending out video after video isn’t the best strategy. You need to know how effective your videos are so you can make improvements when necessary in order to continually boost employee engagement. That’s why you need to track video analytics. Here’s what that means and how it can affect how engaged your employees are.

The Importance of Employee Engagement

First, you might wonder why employee engagement is so sought after. Does having an engaged workforce really affect your business that much? The answer is yes! In fact, the more engaged your employees are, the happier they are with their job, the more productive they will be—and the more money your business will make. That’s because engaged employees are more enthusiastic about and invested in their job, and as a result, they’re more excited to contribute to the success of the business.

If you’re not convinced, note the following benefits of employee engagement:

  • Companies with highly engaged employees tend to be about 21% more profitable than average.   
  • Those companies report 17% higher productivity among their workforce.
  • 71% of executives say employee engagement is partly responsible for their success.
  • Employee engagement can reduce employee absenteeism by about 41%.
  • Low employee engagement can lead to higher turnover, and considering you lose about $5,000 for every employee who quits, that can be expensive!

As you can see, it pays to focus on improving employee engagement, as doing so can help turn your cost center into a profit center. So, how can you do this? Paying more attention to video analytics is a great start!

What Detailed Video Analytics Can Tell You About Employee Engagement

You might already know that video is the most effective communication method when you want to boost engagement. In fact, about 90% of the information the brain processes is visual—and it just so happens that the brain can process visual information about 60,000 times faster than text! So it makes sense that viewers can remember 95% of the message when they watch it on video, compared to just 10% when they read it in text. This reinforces the fact that video is far and away the most engaging method of communication—so you should be using it to connect with employees.

And when you use video, you need to keep track of what you’re doing wrong and what you’re doing right—which you can easily do when you keep up with video analytics. Why? Well, you need to study metrics to determine just how effective your videos are, and video analytics can make that easy on you. With email and text messages, you can only see that a message was opened and what time the reader saw it. But you have no idea how long it took the recipient to read it, or where on the page he or she stopped reading.

On the other hand, with the right video analytics tool, you can see information that includes the following:

  • How many people watched the video
  • How long the average viewer watched
  • What days of the week receive the most viewership
  • Where the average viewer stopped watching the video
  • Which videos get watched the most
  • Quality of video experience including bitrate and buffering
  • Did bad quality cause viewers to stop watching. What steps can be taken to improve quality

When you have this information, you know which parts of the video are the most engaging, what the quality was like, and what steps you can take  to improve your messaging. It’s especially critical for you to pay attention to video analytics if you use video to relay important company updates to employees, as you need to know the percentage of employees who watched the video the whole way through.

Similarly, if you use video for training purposes, you need to know your new hires are actually watching the video content. If most are consistently quitting halfway through the video, you know you need to make some changes to improve engagement!

Understand and Track Video Adoption & Engagement

  • Don’t know the quality and reach of video messaging which impacts above​
  • Don’t know how to maximize impact/engagement of video messaging​
  • There is limited information available to identify which content options contribute to a positive Live Event​
Negative Consequences​
  • Business transformation at risk of failure due to message not getting through​
  • Overly optimistic / unclear view of message engagement​
  • Improvement plan for video journey not based on facts – risks incorrect investment of time and resources in solutions with little effect​
  • Now have eyes and ears on video messaging adoption & engagement​
  • Able to plan for video messaging adoption & engagement based on facts​
  • Content can be optimized with regards to timing of events for different locations (when is join rate higher?)​
  • Content can be optimized with regards to what worked best for a higher engagement​
  • Measurable ROI to justify increased video investment
  • An important prerequisite for business transformation is now achieved through availability of data​
  • Access to broad and deep data both per event and over time​
  • Guidance to interpret data and derive actionable conclusions from it
  • Adoption​
  • Engagement score​
How Hive Does It​
  • Hive Video Analytics – collect, store, and refine all video messaging data and present them in an actionable way​
Proof Points​
  • Microsoft uses this for every event, plus 100 Fortune 500 companies that also use this to accelerate their video journey​
  • State of Video Messaging Reports – anonymized, by industry vertical, leaders / laggards.

How Video Analytics Tools Can Help You

Fortunately, companies like Hive Streaming enable you to track video analytics very closely. For example, Hive Insights 2.0 lets you pinpoint information about your viewers, including how many watched and when they stopped watching. This tool even helps you identify and address networking trouble spots.

Considering that adding even 1 minute to your buffering ratio can drop average viewing time by 3 minutes, it’s pretty important to ensure a high-quality video experience through a network that can seamlessly handle streaming. Similarly, if your average bitrate is under 800 kbps, your videos will have a shorter viewing time and lower engagement. So, you need to keep track of video quality if you want to improve employee engagement through video.

If you want to learn more about how video analytics can help your business, contact Hive Streaming today.

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Eric Vidal

CEO at The Marketing Scope Eric Vidal, an industry expert with over 25 years of marketing and technology experience is passionate about providing insight and education on the latest martech trends and techniques. Eric speaks and writes for various publications like The Marketing Scope and Future Of Work to name a couple. Eric has been a marketing leader for companies of all sizes. He has extensive experience working to achieve measurable business results for organizations like IBM, Cisco, WebEx, Canon USA, West Corp., Dynamic Signal, SAP and more. Connect with Eric on LinkedIn.

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